Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Maximum Geek, Episode 19

Maximum Geek 19 is out for your listening enjoyment. This time, we cover:

  • More details on the PalmOne LifeDrive: Hitachi 4GB microdrive confirmed, Pocket Tunes and Rhapsody instead of RealPlayer

  • The pros and cons of media streaming

  • Solo Media and community building: Please don't feed the trolls

  • Robotech!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Maximum Geek, Episode 18

Maximum Geek 18 is up, in which Josh has the plague, Josh rants about Kansas politics and we get more background on "Push", the serial written by Mr. and Mrs. Curry. Josh bashed Mariah Carey, then Josh proved he doesn't know how to use a calendar. I talked about writing without Annette on Ghost, and blatantly plugged www.kirvinforhire.com. Josh lobbied for a stripper scene in Ghost, I talked about my "Bill Gates Goes to Mars" project, and Josh almost talked about "Pantheons," his new project, but got distracted by rampant poll creation. Also, are MMOs evil time sinks?

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Maximum Geek 17

Maximum Geek 17 is fully armed and operational. Mwah ha ha! In this vaguely kinda sorta on topic episode, Josh and I cover the Sony PSP (and why it sucks), do you compromise your story just because it might look like you're selling out, the importance of setting deadlines for writers, why you don't have to feel guilty about making money by writing, and then Josh's computer went horribly wrong and we had to cut it short. Ah, the miracle of technology...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Maximum Geek 16

Maximum Geek 16 is ready for downloading pleasure!

In this episode, Josh and I are joined by Josh's wife and writing partner Bethany Curry. We talk about what they're learning by collaborating on a story as a husband/wife team and the background of their new series, "Push". We also talk about my new series, "The Ghost" and actually came up with an idea during the podcast for a new anthology series, "Solo Media Presents". We're going to be looking for new writers, and there will be more details to come on the Solo Media Forums.

This is a good one, folks, if you ignore the jokes about Cialis and chaps.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Maximum Geek Episode 15

Episode 15 is up! Woo hoo! In this laugh-a-minute episode, Josh and I introduce the new Solo Media forums, call for our peeps to email Fictionwise and ask them to finish what they need to do to make serial fiction a reality, and go off topic more times than I could count.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Maximum Geek Episode 14

Maximum Geek 14 is up for your listening enjoyment.

This episode covers the next generation of video game consoles and a look at the gaming industry in general. I also manage to get a good rant in about EA's exclusive NFL license.


Monday, February 14, 2005

Maximum Geek Episode 13

Maximum Geek Lucky 13 is up.

In this dreaded Valentine's Day podcast, Josh and I talk about my dismal social life and how the internet is changing the way people interact, not in a good way.

Okay, I admit that sounds pretty bad, but we say it all in a funny way. Listen and laugh at the romantically challenged.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Maximum Geek Episode 12

Maximum Geek Podcast 12 is posted!

Setting new records for going off-topic, we cover:

Has "realism" in comics gone too far?

Delays for Solo and why we still haven't launched our serials

Building an online community: how best to keep the conversation going?

What defines a smartphone? (or, No, the PDA isn't doomed, it's just evolving)

Josh's new daughter, Tori

and other assorted ramblings. If you've got 34 minutes, we've got the content!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Maximum Geek Episode 11

Maximum Geek Podcast 11 is up for your listening enjoyment.

In this rambling geekfest, we discuss:

The trials and tribulations we've gone through trying to find the perfect way to keep conversations going online.

Highlights from CES, and not just Gwen Stefani.

Robosapiens are cool.

Nifty Sandisk SD card Transformers.

Next generation gaming consoles.

So download, listen and let us know what you think!